How to Modify Power Wheels to go Faster?

Speed and excitement – it’s what make Power Wheels so much fun. But what if you want to take your vehicle to the next level? With a few modifications, you can turn your Power Wheels into a high-performance vehicle capable of reaching speeds up to 18 mph.

This guide will show you how to modify your Power Wheels to make it go faster, giving you a thrilling ride every time.

Modifying Power Wheels

You can easily transform your kid’s Power Wheels into a fast and powerful ride with a few modifications.

Modifying Power Wheels is easier than you may think. It’s a great way to get kids involved with technology and engineering. With a few simple steps, you can easily make your child’s Power Wheels go faster and reach up to 18 MPH.

To begin, you’ll need to purchase a power upgrade kit. This basic kit includes a motor, battery, and wiring harness.

The kit will also have instructions on connecting the components and making the necessary modifications. Depending on the model of your Power Wheels, you may also need additional parts and tools.

Next, you’ll need to install the power upgrade kit. Start by connecting the motor to the battery and then wiring the motor to the controller. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and read the safety warnings.

Once the motor is connected, the next step is to install the new motor into the existing frame of the Power Wheels.

Now it’s time to customize your Power Wheels. You can add new parts and accessories to give it a custom look. For example, add larger tires, a custom paint job, or a suspension system.

Once you have added all the parts, you can adjust the speed settings to ensure your Power Wheels reach up to 18 MPH.

Finally, you can test your modified Power Wheels to ensure they reach the desired speed. Simple modifications can make your child’s Power Wheels faster and safer.

Modifying Power Wheels is a great way to get your kids involved with technology and engineering. It’s also a great way to add a bit of fun and excitement to their rides.

So, if you’re looking to make your child’s Power Wheels go faster and safer, modifying them is a great option. Just follow the instructions carefully and use the right tools and parts. You can easily make your kid’s Power Wheels go up to 18 MPH with a few modifications.

Benefits of Modifications 

Regarding modifying power wheels, various options are available to help you reach speeds up to 18 mph. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of making modifications to power wheels and how you can make modifications so that your power wheel can reach speeds up to 18 mph.

One of the primary benefits of modifying your power wheel is that it can make it much safer. By increasing the speed of your power wheel, you will be able to navigate around corners and traffic more safely and avoid obstacles with greater ease.

Additionally, modifying your power wheel can make it more responsive, enhancing the overall driving experience.

Modifying a power wheel can also increase its overall power and torque, allowing you to reach higher speeds more easily. This can be particularly helpful for those who want to take their power wheel off-road, as it can help make hills and other rough terrains easier to navigate.

The first step in modifying your power wheel is determining what modifications you want. This can include increasing the power and torque of your power wheel, as well as making modifications to the engine and other components.

Once you have determined the modifications you would like to make, it is important to research the options available to you to make the right modifications for your power wheel.

Once you have determined the modifications you would like to make, it is important to purchase the right parts. It is important to choose parts that are designed to fit your vehicle and that are compatible with the modifications you are making.

Additionally, purchasing parts from a reputable source is a good idea, as this can help ensure that your purchasing parts are of the highest quality.

Once you have the needed parts, you can modify your power wheel. This can include changing the engine, increasing the power and torque, and modifying other components, such as the suspension, brakes, and tires.

Additionally, consider adding a turbocharger or other performance upgrades to your power wheel to help you reach higher speeds.

By modifying your power wheel, you can enjoy higher speeds, more power and torque, and a more responsive vehicle.

Additionally, you can also enjoy increased safety, as you will be able to navigate around obstacles with greater ease. With these benefits in mind, it is easy to see why making modifications to your power wheel can be a great investment.


In conclusion, modifying a Power Wheels vehicle to go faster can be a fun and rewarding project. With the right parts and modifications, it is possible to get your Power Wheels vehicle to reach speeds of up to 18 MPH. While this process can be a bit involved, it is worthwhile to experience the thrill of zipping around your neighborhood. Safety should always be your top priority when modifying a Power Wheels vehicle, so make sure to take all necessary precautions before operating your vehicle.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I modify my Power Wheels vehicle to go faster?

To increase the speed of your Power Wheels up to 18 MPH, you will need to modify the vehicle by replacing the motor and battery. You can find instructions on how to do this with different Power Wheels models online.

Is it legal to modify my Power Wheels to go faster?

In most cases, modifying your Power Wheels to exceed the manufacturer’s speed recommendations is not legal. You should always check with your local laws and regulations to ensure that you follow all applicable laws.

Are there any safety precautions I should take when modifying my Power Wheels?

 You should always take proper safety precautions when working on your vehicle. Make sure you are wearing safety glasses and gloves and that you are working in a well-ventilated area. Additionally, you should always consult your vehicle’s manual for safety instructions.

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Kim Goodson
By Kim Goodson

Meet Kim Goodson, a car enthusiast, and expert in car accessories. With a passion for cars, Kim researches and tests different accessories to provide valuable insights to fellow car owners.

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